
The OKR Maturity Model

Adopting the true OKR framework takes some planning and dedication. Any form of business or cultural transformation can’t happen overnight. It is a journey with an upward progression that slowly but steadily replaces old ways with new ones. Adopting OKRs is no different.

To help today’s business leaders understand the several stages their companies and teams must go through to reach OKR program maturity, there is an OKR maturity model. As the model defines each OKR stage, businesses better understand where their goal-setting culture and management programs stand at present and how they can grow.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • The OKR Maturity Model and the New Normal
  • From Strategy to Action: The OKR Way
  • The OKR Maturity Model: Your Guide to OKR Adoption
  • Elements of the OKR Maturity Model
  • Challenges to OKR Maturity
  • Going Upwards in Your OKR Journey

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